Friday, December 2, 2011

VLC Media Player

VLC Media Player

VLC media player was created by the VideoLan Organization. It is a non-profit group dedicated to promoting free, open-source multimedia solutions. I have used this a few times before but this semester I really figured out how it worked. All the video clips for my classes originally provided me some problems. VLC media player can play almost any type of file and with great quality. This helps to play videos, sound clips, etc.

Main Feature
The main application for the classroom of VLC is to play clips and sound bites. It allows teachers to bring in DVDs or movies and know that VLC will be able to play it without trouble. An example would be a teacher could bring in “Saving Private Ryan” and play the opening scene. Teachers will be able to play music or songs that might be relevant to their content area. The ability to play any movie on a computer for a projector helps greatly especially in schools that might not have the money for DVD players.

Level of Difficulty
VLC is relatively easy to use. It does most of the work for it. Downloading and installing it is simple and the VLC official site has directions accordingly. Double clicking your media clip is about all you have to do once VLC is installed. It will open automatically in VLC or if not, you can select VLC as your default media player by right clicking the clip. Teachers should be able to pick this up and learn it in 5 to 10 minutes. Students can also use it for video projects and it is even easier for Students who are usually much more exposed to technology.

Potential Application
The applications for this are pretty simple. To play video clips/sound bites. Teachers can use it for lectures while students can use it to create digital projects.

This tool is absolutely worth learning. It provides a free and easy way to bring media clips into the classroom. It makes almost any type of file compatible and takes away the stress of having to find the right media player for a specific type of file.

1 comment:

  1. I like VLC because it can play almost any kind of file. Sometimes Divx or RealPlayer won't open certain files, and it always seems to work on VLC. A good tool to have.


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