Sunday, December 4, 2011


Quizlet is an online interactive study guide. Teachers or
students can create their own study questions and flashcards to help prepare
for an assessment. Teachers can create the entire study guide and allow
students to access the website by telling the students the name of study guide.
Students can then go on and find the study guide designed
specifically for their class. Quizlet also uses the terms and definitions to
create games and tests that the students can take using the information
provided by the teacher. Students just need to be told what the study guide
name was and they can search for it and find the study guide without even
logging in or having an account.

Quizlet does take a little time to get used to. However, if you take 20-30
minutes to play around with its capabilities one can quickly find out how
valuable could be for a classroom. Students will enjoy the games
and find the practice to be very useful reinforcement. Quizlet is absolutely
worth the trouble of learning how to create the sets of flashcards. It has
excellent capabilities for both English and social studies. It can be more
difficult to set up good flashcards for mathematics, but it is still worthwhile
when it comes to learning vocabulary.

In order to play around with some flashcards I have made for
this class, please go to and search ETAP - 638. Take your time and
try the tests and games. It is an excellent web 2.0 tool!


  1. I love this tool! I have never used it or heard of it before but the fact that you can hear the word and see the card (flipped or not) is great. I will DEFINITELY use this- thanks!

    Bridgette Connelly-Howe

  2. This seems like a great tool that can make studying easy and maybe even fun. I like that flashcards can be made using the tool, which is something that has always been a helpful study tool for me. I will definitely check it out! Thanks for sharing.

  3. I haven't heard of this before but it definitely looks worthwhile. I have gotten away from using flashcards but I always remember them being extremely helpful. Maybe this is a way I can get back into using them, or help encourage my students to make them.


  4. This is an AWESOME tool especially for foreign languages. Involving students is key to helping them learn especially when they can get involved with flashcards and games. Studying for quizzes or vocab tests can become easier and fun with this program. I will look into it further.

  5. This is an AWESOME tool especially for foreign languages. Involving students is key to helping them learn especially when they can get involved with flashcards and games. Studying for quizzes or vocab tests can become easier and fun with this program. I will look into it further.


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